These are upcoming Pan-Orthodox services and special parish events which all are invited to attend. Click an event for the location and more information. (For regular service schedules, please see the websites of individual churches.)
This is the first of the "Bridegroom Services." Having given up the Feast of Palms, we begin Holy Week with the first of three Bridegroom Matins services, in which we remember Christ as the Groom of His Bride, the Church, as He goes to His saving Passion. On Holy Monday, Christ is compared to the […]
The Presanctified Gifts are served on the first three days of Holy Week, so that through the Eucharist we may have strength to complete the time of Holy Week and see the day of the Resurrection. The Old Testament readings from Exodus and Job show us that righteousness is often rewarded with suffering, and that […]
This is the second of the "Bridegroom Services." Holy Tuesday is dedicated to the parable of the ten virgins. Through this parable, we are reminded to imitate the wise virgins, who trimmed their lamps and were prepared for the coming of the Bridegroom, while the foolish virgins wasted their time and the door was shut […]
On Holy Wednesday, the Hymn of Kassiani the Nun—a liturgical high point in the middle of Holy Week—is sung at Matins and Vespers. This hymn, written from the perspective of the sinful woman, expresses the repentance that we all must find in our hearts, and the Lord will hear us and raise us up from […]
This sacrament, instituted in the Epistle of St. James, is celebrated during Holy Week in some Orthodox traditions to strengthen the faithful as we enter into the day of Christ’s death. The oil of mercy, which is traditionally blessed by seven priests, is given to effect healing and forgiveness of sins. Holy Unction is a […]
On Holy Thursday, we remember the institution of the Eucharist. Judas is also exposed as a “son of vipers” as he betrays the Lord. The lengthy Gospel reading at the Divine Liturgy brings us through the Mystical Supper, the arrest of Jesus, and the denial of Peter. During this service we repeatedly pray that we […]
On Holy Thursday, we remember the institution of the Eucharist. Judas is also exposed as a “son of vipers” as he betrays the Lord. The lengthy Gospel reading at the Divine Liturgy brings us through the Mystical Supper, the arrest of Jesus, and the denial of Peter. During this service we repeatedly pray that we […]
Known as the "12 Gospels Service" or the "Passion Service." In what is perhaps the most intense service of Holy Week, we read the twelve Gospel accounts of Christ’s Passion and Crucifixion. Interspersed with hymns that reach a climax with the procession of the Cross, we venerate the Wood on which the Lord suffered and […]
The Eucharist is not celebrated on Holy Friday, as Christ said: "When the Bridegroom has gone, then they will fast." It is traditional to eat and drink nothing on this day. At the Royal Hours, we listen to selections from the Passion Gospels, together with reflective psalmody and hymns.
Also known as the "Un-nailing Service." In this most dramatic service, we commemorate the burial of Christ. The icon of the Lord is removed from the Cross, wrapped in a shroud, and symbolically entombed on the altar. The epitaphios or plaschanitsa, a special icon representing the tomb of Christ, is carried out and venerated by […]
Also known as the "Lamentations Service," we join the Mother of God at the tomb as she weeps for her Son. Christ’s body, symbolically in the form of the epitaphios or plaschanitsa, is carried around the church in solemn procession. This is the Lord’s funeral service. Yet even in this dark hour, we see the […]
The vigil begins in darkness with the Midnight Office. The Paschal Flame is then carried out, and the light spreads among the people as we process outside the church. The Resurrection Gospel is proclaimed, and we re-enter the church and everything is full of light, like the souls of all the dead entering into heaven […]
Also known as the "First Liturgy of Pascha," in truth, this is first service of Pascha. The vesperal hymns are those of Resurrection: Hades weeps with regret, wondering how he could have taken this Man, who turned out to be God. The beautiful doxasticon hymn tells us that Christ has spent this Great Sabbath in […]
We return to the church at midday on Pascha for this “Love Vespers.” As on every day of Bright Week, we only sing hymns of the Resurrection. The Gospel is read in as many languages as possible, as the Good News of the Resurrection goes out to every tribe and nation. We again exchange paschal […]
This calendar may not reflect last-minute schedule changes. Please see the website of the host parish for the most up-to-date information.