Holy Tuesday Presanctified

The vesperal hymns of this service speak of judgment. We are reminded to be prepared, as death could take us at any time, and we pray that we will never hear the Lord say to us the fearful words, “I do not know you.” Instead, we are encouraged to become rich in good deeds and to be “faithful agents of grace.”

Holy Monday Matins

This is the first of the “Bridegroom Services.” Having given up the Feast of Palms, we begin Holy Week with the first of three Bridegroom Matins services, in which we remember Christ as the Groom of His Bride, the Church, as He goes to His saving Passion. On Holy Monday, Christ is compared to the Old Testament patriarch Joseph, who was made to suffer at the hands of his brothers, but was ultimately glorified. The day is also dedicated to Christ’s cursing of the fig tree, which symbolized the fruitless council of the Jews.

Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy

Palm Sunday Matins

Lazarus Saturday Divine Liturgy

On Lazarus Saturday, eight days before Pascha, we celebrate the resurrection of Lazarus the friend of Christ. In this, the Lord gave a sign of His own Resurrection as He demonstrated His power over death.

Lazarus Saturday Matins

On Lazarus Saturday, eight days before Pascha, we celebrate the resurrection of Lazarus the friend of Christ. In this, the Lord gave a sign of His own Resurrection as He demonstrated His power over death.

Presanctified Divine Liturgy

The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is a service for the distribution of Holy Communion on the weekdays of Lent. Because Lent is a season of fasting and repentance, and the regular Divine Liturgy has a joyful character not in keeping with these seasonal themes, the more somber Presanctified Liturgy is offered on weekday evenings, or sometimes in the morning.

Great Compline

Great Compline is the penitential night office of the Orthodox Church. Filled with Psalms and beautiful hymns, it is a beloved service of the Lenten season.

Presanctified Divine Liturgy

The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is a service for the distribution of Holy Communion on the weekdays of Lent. Because Lent is a season of fasting and repentance, and the regular Divine Liturgy has a joyful character not in keeping with these seasonal themes, the more somber Presanctified Liturgy is offered on weekday evenings, or sometimes in the morning.

Presanctified Divine Liturgy

The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is a service for the distribution of Holy Communion on the weekdays of Lent. Because Lent is a season of fasting and repentance, and the regular Divine Liturgy has a joyful character not in keeping with these seasonal themes, the more somber Presanctified Liturgy is offered on weekday evenings, or sometimes in the morning.